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Sunday, June 22, 2008

poison ivy...

This is another Nick entry.

Somehow I managed to get poison ivy on me. I think my cat Frank got it on his coat. And since Mandy never pets him I'm the only one who has it. Two fingers on my left hand have it bad and my right thumb and the part of my right hand near my thumb have it. It's totally gross. I put this stuff called tecnu on it and it seems to be helping but my hands look awful. I've been washing my hands with this stuff like eight times a day so I don't give my 9-week old son poison ivy. I'm fairly certain that would be frowned upon...

Speaking of Grady, I had to take him to the doctor yesterday morning to get his two-month old shots. Two in his right thigh, three in his left thigh. He did really well in the other parts of the examination...and then the shots started. To give our doctor credit, she did all five shots within the span of about 25 seconds. But that kid has never been so loud or angry in his whole life. Of course Mandy was at work so I had to take him all by myself. Fortunately he calmed down just a few minutes after the shots. I took him home, fed him, played with him for a while, and then he slept from noon - 2pm. I'm sure I'll have to take him by myself next time too....ugh, awful.

To update my music tastes, it extends beyond 80's pop and techno. For example, I just bought the new Coldplay CD last week. It's really solid. I'll probably take it with me when I'm in Utah and Idaho from June 24th - 27th. There's not a lot of radio station options out in the rural areas...unless you want to hear about farm reports.

We only have about six weeks until we go to Hilton Head. It looks like me, Mandy, Grady, Scott (Mandy's brother), Lauren (my sister), and Jeff (Lauren's husband) will all pile into my Yukon for the trip. My mom and her friend Dee are going to ride down in Mom's Eclipse convertable. It'll be nice to have a beach vacation and Hilton Head is a really nice place. Mandy and I are the only ones who have been there but it's been about four years since our last visit. It should be about a 10-hour drive. Mandy has family in the Rock Hill, SC area that might visit us for a few days and my uncle and his wife in Jackson, GA might visit as well. Should be a good time.

Grady and I have continued to do well when it's just the two of us (although he's taking a nap with his mom right now despite my best efforts to get him to take a nap all day). He now weighs 11 lbs, 13 ounces and has grown to 23-1/2" tall. He's in the 55th percentile for weight (he was only in the 20th percentile when he was born) and is in the 85th percentile for height (about where he's always been). This just furthers my belief that both my father and my son will both be taller than me. I'll be the 5'10" guy in the middle of pictures with a couple of 6'1" bookends on either side of me.

That's about it for now. It's a quiet Sunday afternoon around here.

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