Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Addison!

Went to my old friend (from college...remember when college friends were your new friends? But after 10 years, they become old friends...) Michelle little girl Addison's 1st b-day party last Saturday....The picture says it all...She was in great spirits, so adorable, and loaded with lots of gifts...

Also in attendance were some other "old" friends, bride-to-be Becky (coming 9.08), and my pal Jenny...The food was great, and Addison had LOTS of family & friends loving on her all day!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Nursery

The nursery is done for now....Thought I would share it with the long distance folks!

Dresser & Rocking Chair

Changing Table

Toy Chest & Closet

Changing Table & Crib

"Lost" is Back...And soooo good!

For you fellow "Lost"'s my favorite theory that I found on the message boards on what's going on...

I think we are seeing events from later this season, but maybe not how you think…

The two people we are seeing flash forwards from so far are Jack and Hurley. Even though Kate and Charlie are in them, they are definitely from Jack and Hurley’s perspective. Both are seeing worst case scenarios of their lives off the Island. And both seem to be hiding/protecting a secret. One they are desperately protecting.
Who says they are really "Off the Island"???
If lets say the new people (Naomi's people) have come on to the Island with the purpose of hunting down every living person and killing them, and once that was found out, the majority of the Oceanics hid somewhere, and lets say a handful were caught, (Jack, Hurley and maybe 4 more- that would be 6) what could the people do to get the location of the hiding people out of the 6???
Maybe something to alter their minds??? Drugs, hypnosis, ect….. Make them believe they left the Island? And show them a disastrous future? Make them think they were crazy? All with the purpose of getting the secret of where the others are hiding out of them? To break them……Maybe?
It would explain why only 6 "made it back". Why there seems to be these, Men in Black types trying to get information out of them. How Hurley crashed a car so spectacular, but didn’t even get a scratch. Why in Jack’s flashes he is a suicidal junky, and in Hurley’s flashes, Jack is still the voice of reason, telling him to keep the "Secret". Why Hurley sees, talks to, and gets slapped by Charlie, who admits being dead, but also being there.
Think about Hurley’s character. No matter how it hurts him, he would always put his friends and loved ones first. He would hide a secret, even if it caused him great pain or living out his worst fear, if it would protect someone he loved.
Think about Jack’s character. Would he ever have left the Island without making sure that everyone else did too?
Bottom line is, I think no one has or will leave the Island. Just like before, Most are hiding, some are captured being tortured in some way to give up the location of the others, and the few are again giving of themselves to protect the many. It’s the one reoccurring theme of the show.
No one has left the Island………… least not to the "Future" we are seeing.
Just a thought.

Men at Work...

I thought I would post pics of my husband doing very manly work, and the snow coming down looked pretty too...We had a bad wind storm roll through last week, pulling a huge branch down in the backyard, so Scott came over with the chainsaw, and they played with sticks & logs for a bit...If you look at the 3rd picture, I think Scott was even breaking sticks over his leg...VERY manly...

Lola the dog made sure she did her part by running around patroling the area...