Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, September 24, 2012

Apple Picking at Lynd's Farm

We went apple picking with The Hauser's, which seems to become an annual event for our families. We all like the goodies at Lynd's grocery, and the kids like picking the apples!
 Nick with Grady & Samantha in the apple orchard
Chase tasting the goods!! He LOVES apples, and so does his mommy!
 Me, the boys & Natalie Paige! She's getting big!
 Uncle Jeff helping Grady pick an apple. Grady mostly just wanted to climb to be like Spiderman :)
 Lauren & Samantha picking apples!
 Chase climbing to get an apple
Cousins!!! Look at that face on Chase! They all had a good time & an even better time when we went to McDonalds post-picking!

Only Child...for 2 hours at least

With Grady back to school, Chase and I have been able to have some alone time, and it's so funny to see how he operates when he's by himself. He's so quiet and peaceful, and just plays so nicely! He barely makes a peep, and it's nice to see him so glad to have the whole house to himself. In addition to him getting ALL the toys to himself, we've been able to read LOTS of books, and work on potty'll be a LONG road! :)

Next Stop-Olympic Gold!

It was time to sign up for a fall activity, and when I gave Grady the choices they were offering at the YMCA (soccer, gymnastics, swimming), he picked swimming. With the Olympics still fresh in our minds, I was all for it! Grady's teacher, Miss Sally, said he was the best floater! Classes start at 3 yrs old, so Chase just missed the cut-BUT, Nick has been great & volunteered to swim with Chase across the pool in open swim, so Chase was happy as a clam.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

1st Day Of Preschool (2nd Year)!

Grady started his first day of preschool at Stonybrook Early Learning, and since this is his second year, he took it all in stride!
 About to head to school!! As a stay-at-home mom, this is one of my favorite things to do. It may seem small and stupid, but I truly love being able to see Grady off to school & see him head into his class, and see him grow & learn each day he goes.
 Grady has alot of the same kids in his class this year, so he jumped right into playing with Ella.
 Here is Grady in circle time. Jeffery was in his class last year, and wanted Grady to sit with him.
 Music time with all the kids from all the classes. Grady knew the songs from last year, and jumped right in to the hand motions.
Outside after the first day...happy for a great first day & very excited about his teachers this year! Miss Debbie and Miss Rayann are characters!! They are funny & love science, so I think Grady will love his class!

Zoo Day!

I decided to take the boys to the zoo the day before Grady's 1st day of school, to wrap up the summer on a high note. We got lucky by pretty much having the zoo to ourselves!! It was a beautiful day, but most older kids were back in school, so the place was SO quiet!
 Here we are on our own private train ride :) In our sunnies!
 Grady always wants his picture taken with his "favorite black & white animal"
...And of course Chase had to have his picture taken too :)

Wednesday Night-Cousin Night

Gram has been nice enough to treat the big kids to McDonalds & church every Wednesday night this summer. The kids LOVE making a "cousin train", and eating chicken & fries, AND a little ice cream treat to top of their meal!
 Samantha & Grady with their cones! They loved putting ice cream on their noses & cracking up!
Chase LOVES sweets!!!!

Norris Lake, TN! (August 2012)

This summer we took our summer vacation to Norris Lake, TN. We rented a house with Grandpa Bob, The Hauser's & Uncle Scott. We couldn't have asked for better weather, and everyone had a good time! We spent our days boating, and our nights eating!
 Grady & Samantha on the tube...
 Everyone went swimming off the boat
 A little before bedtime snack

 We rented a jet ski for the day, and this is crazy Nick showing off
 Grady and I on the boat
 Lauren & Nick on the jet ski!
Grady and Nick on the jet ski. Grady was for sure the dare devil of the week, and while it made me a nervous wreck, he was having so much fun I couldn't turn him down...

 There was a bridge that went right over the lake, so Lauren, Nick & Jeff decided to jump! NO thanks!
 Uncle Scott & Grady tubing
 Nick & Grady tubing. It was HARD to get Grady off that thing! He loved when the adult would fall off, and he could ride alone. :)
Grady and Mommy (and my wind blown hair).
 Grady & Samantha on our boat...
Chase on the boat...he pretty much stayed on the boat most of the time, but still tried everything (tubing, swimming, jet ski) once.
Lauren & was good to spend time with the newest addition to the family!