Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Zoo Day!

It was a beautiful day, so we loaded up & headed to the zoo! The animals didn't disappoint! Grady and Chase LOVE the polar bears!
Chase is alot more trustworthy (not TOTALLY), so I was able to let them both walk around at each stop.
Grady and a sleeping grizzly bear
I've snapped this picture a couple times before, and Grady remembered, and ran over for a picture without me even asking :)
Grady begged to to see fish, so I had to figure out where the aquarium was, since I NEVER go there when there are WAY cooler animals to see, but per his request, we went!
Chase seemed pretty intrigued by them...probably reminded him of his aquarium music box on his bed :)
Grady was very happy here...I told him I wanted "to see his face", and this was his reaction :) He keeps asking to go fishing, so looks like Uncle Scott will FINALLY have a fishing buddy!

Friends & Friendship Park!

Grady & his best friends (according to him), Chase & Parker...notice them holding hands...adorbs!

Wanted to stick in this smiling Chase picture...his heart is good.
March has given us AWESOME weather!! Now I know why people in California seem so happy & chill...if it was sunny & 75 degrees everday I wouldn't be so cranky either! Took the boys with the neighbors to Friendship Park for play & a little Dairy Queen ice cream after...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Here's To Kairos Moments...

Kairos def: a moment of indeterminate time in which something special happens

Quiet Time

Today was so nice, I let Grady do quiet time (no longer napping) outside. He LOVES playdough, so he spent 1 1/2 hrs out there just making creations...and of course his buddy, Lola, loyally watched him :)

Play Time

Chase is really good about playing on his own...I snapped this pic of him quitely playing with his cars in the hallway. I love his face!

Welcome To The Family!

Meet our newest niece, Natalie Paige Hauser! She is a sweet little thing, and although Samantha has had our hearts to herself as our only niece, our hearts immediately grew and made LOTS of room for Miss Natalie. Grady came home the other night and said, "Natalie is so cute!" I can't wait to see who this girl will become, and I hope she'll always know she has us to love and support her always!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Grady's 1st School Picture

Stonybrook Preschool 2012! 3 1/2 yrs old! :)

She's Done It Again

My favorite mom-blogger from the Huffington Post has written another GREAT read!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Grady's Progress Report

I received Grady's very first "progress report" from school. I literally laughed out loud a couple times, just thinking about Grady, and how he is such a unique little guy :) Here are the highlights:

"Grady has grown alot from the beginning of the year! Your willingness to prompt has been great."

"Grady uses the bathroom as an "escape", but not as much crying."

"...His mind seems to be "looking ahead" rather than topic at hand"

"He hurries his speech a lot and talks himself thru things"

"Despite his distractions, he does remarkbly well in following directions and work habits"

For the most part he received "Showing Success" & "Needs more experience" on his report, which is great! He didn't get any "Not able to do at this time", so he is doing just fine!

Spring Has Sprung! (at least I hope...)

It was sunny & 67 degrees, and we took advantage of the nice weather!! We went on 2 walks, and went to Hannah Park! I'm hoping the nice days are going to be more frequent!!
Chase trying to be like big brother!!

Skating Part 2

Grady, Parker & Cooper...BEST BUDS!
We went skating again this past Saturday, and Miss Samantha joined us! Her and Grady really enjoyed it...Chase HATED skating! :)
The first hour was a "teacher" showing the littles ones how to skate, and every time he asked a question, Samantha would raise her hand :) She never really had an answer, but it was really cute.
Miss Samantha skating on her own!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Milk Man

I finally graduated Grady to regular cup, and he's doing a great job not spilling! I bought this cup that has a lid with holes all around it, so he can drink like a big kid, but it will be a slow spill if he knocks the cup over. He seems pretty proud of himself!

My Brother, My Best Friend

Chase has really upped his talking in the last few weeks, and Grady-boy has taken notice. They are really becoming buddies...The last couple of nights they've been spending pre-bed time in Grady's room together. Here they are watching Sid together.
This is their new "hiding spot" (as G calls it), which is under the kitchen table. Playing with Toy Story toys.
Of course, with the cute and adorable, can come the mean and ugly, so the closer they become, the more "emotional" they are getting over the same toys, attention, I've broken up some pretty fierce throw-downs :)

I Have A Feeling This Will Be Chase...