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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Nick's 1st entry

So a few months ago I asked Mandy for the password to this blog. What I got for a response was something closer to the Spanish Inquisition..."what do you want the password for?", "what are you going to say?", "nobody wants to hear what you have to say...".

Well she cracked today...

As Mandy mentioned, Grady was born 12 days ago. There's a myth out there that all babies are cute. Not true. Some babies are very unattractive. However, my son isn't one of them. We have lots more pictures to post, but he is seriously a very attractive child. The "problem" is that I don't think he looks very much like me. He has blue eyes (mine are brown), a Lindemann nose ("Lindemann" meaning short and slightly pointed upwards...unlike mine which is disproportionately big on my face" and long feet (mine are shaped like horseshoes...). But I don't really care...he's healthy and doing great and we're super psyched to have him around. He can be really alert when he's awake. I haven't a clue what he's thinking but there's definitely something going on between his ears. I love him. He is easily the best thing Mandy and I have done together.

Mandy was champ at the hospital. I'll spare everyone the intimate details, but her total labor time was right at four hours. She got hooked up to the pitosin around noon and Grady came out at 4:14 on April 21st. He weighed 7 lbs, 15 ounces and was 20 inches long. Somehow I watched the entire birth process. You know all those medical shows on TV? I can't watch the surgery stuff, I have to cover it with my hand...yes, just like a 12 year old. But I've seen Grady since the first second he came out of Mandy and even cut the umbilical cord.

In an odd coincidence, my birthday is April 12th, my Dad's is April 16th, and now we have Grady on April 21st. Not sure what that means but we're all April babies. The only bad news for me is that April's birthstone is the if Mandy wants some new jewelry she can always pull the "it reminds me of Grady" card....

For those of you who actually read this blog, you'll notice that there is only one picture of me on it...and even then I'm covered in winter clothing while sawing a branch in my backyard during a snow shower. Unfortunately I don't know how to post pictures on the blog so I'm at Mandy's mercy to have my face make a 2nd appearance on our blog. We'll also post more pictures of Grady. For those of you who haven't seen him yet, I can't you for you all to meet him. He really is awesome.

OK, so I'll leave on a light-hearted note. Mandy has never seen any of the Indiana Jones movies. Do you know why she hasn't seen any of them? Because she's a communist. Seriously, what could be less American than never having seen even one of the Indiana Jones movies? Her good looks, intelligence, and the fact that she's the mother of my son can't be used as an excuse forever, right?

1 comment:

The Henderson Family said...

First things first....Grady is so so so cute! Secondly, you two crack me up. Now I remember why we miss being around yall! We are so happy for you.I look forward to more of Nick's blog break-ins!