I work in an industry where the latest technology is a passion for most of my co-workers...then there's me, who really just wanted to get paid to watch television (don't be mad because you didn't think of it!), so I'm pretty much the last person to get into the blogging trend around the station. I thought if I was ever going to do it now would be the time, as I've been getting more & more questions about baby boy Hague (all is well!), requests for pictures of my growing belly (this picture taken at Aunt Vikki's is for you Aunt Gretchen...), and there seems to be so much I want to tell everyone & never enough time to make the phone call...So I hope to be very good about keeping this blog new & fresh with goings-on & pictures...
I will be honest though...I also love to talk about celebrities, TV (I cannont wait for the 'Lost' premiere tomorrow night!), and all that completely mindless stuff, so my blog will probably consist of that every once in awhile too...but we all have our things! I will also warn you in advance that if you are a family member, or friend, you are subject to likely ending up in a post, so if you've ever considered disowning me as family, or dropping me as a friend, now would be the time...
I feel like an old friend has come home...I am, of course, referring to the Lost season premier.
This is so exciting, now I will really know everything about you! Love ya' Sister!
PS: We are looking at three more houses on Sunday, maybe you could come with us once you're off work.
Yeah! This is such a great idea, Lou-ster! I've been thinking about you daily and now I'll be in the loop. Love you lots!
Oh. I think I just may have to make this my home page so I can catch up on all things Mandy Lou!
This is a great idea Mandy Lou. I am glad to be apart of the family! These days I am not much of a talker on the phone except about all things Real Estate! This will give me a chance to stay in the loop. I will also keep you posted on Diego (the only baby we have right now) or what he has chewed up lately. I wish he was as good as Lola!!!
Mandy, I am so excited to be able to check the blog and keep up with you guys! You are beautiful pregnant! Tell Nick hi for us and we miss yall so so so much!
lauren henderson
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