I took Grady, cousin Samantha & Chase to the Stonybrook Preschool Fall Festival, and the kids had SO much fun! Grady & Samantha both go to school there, and I really enjoyed watching them run around together!
Samantha & Grady! SO cute!
They had a hay maze the kids loved (AFTER they all 3 agreed no one wanted to go through the haunted house), and they ran in there for a while.
This was the FAVORITE activity-the corn box. There were a ton of kids playing in this, and all 3 were so good, and didn't get in any problems with anyone!
They each got to pick out a pumpkin to decorate
Here is Samantha decorating hers...
...Grady with his...
...and Chase checking out the candy bags they got. About right.
Chase in the big chair. He wanted his picture taken :)
They also had a pig & tons of piglets!! The kids were fascinated!
Chase playing basketball. The only kid interested! He loved it!