We started off Halloween by going to the church Halloween party on the 28th...Grady was a clown, and was none too happy about the hat....The church was FULL of kids, so Grady was pretty intimidated by the experience (he wouldn't even go to Uncle Scott!), so I had a boy in my lap all night...Still good to get out & enjoy the festivities though...my oldest friend Tami & I passed out candy, and there were at least 500 kids from the community there for all the fun.

The 29th was the neighborhood trick-or-treat night, and Grady was a pumpkin (all costumes provided by Gram...she loves shopping for this stuff!). Well, Grady loved it! I think he mostly loved being able to be outside (his favorite activity, rain or shine is just to be running around our front yard & driveway picking up leaves, etc...not always my favorite activity), but Gram took him down the street, and he returned home with a bucket of candy! I was so proud that he was brave enough to do it....the only house he wouldn't do was one that was really decorated scary & had a moving life size skeleton out front...can't blame him for that! Jeff & Lauren brought cousin Samantha over for pizza & cookies, and Samantha was totally cute dressed in a lobster costume! Nick was in Colorado for work, and was really disappointed he had to miss the holiday. He loves this stuff, so I tried to do my best by calling & texting him about our time. Hopefully next year he will be home for the fun.

Cousins after a BIG night of fun!