The blog is back! Well, technically the blog never left, but somehow Nick and I both managed to find a million other things to do in the last 11 months that we apparently thought were more important than blogging...Mainly, keeping up with this little guy in the pic! Grady is in full-blown toddler mode, and I just can't believe how much this boy has changed in the last few months...He's using more & more words everyday...so far we have "hi", "bye", "ball", "more", "book", "lola", "no", "daddy", "mama", and a few more that I've forgotten I'm sure...I think more amazing than that is his understanding of things...If I say, "go sit down & we'll put on your shoes", he knows to run to the front door, sit on the rug & wait for me to put on his shoes...it seems so silly, but I can't believe what he "gets", and how helpful it can be. He has become my little helper b/c he loves throwing things in the trash for me, pulling clothes from the dryer, and even putting away toys...I'm pretty sure this makes Nick the messiest person in the house...
Our latest news is finding out that we're having another little boy in December! I literally started to laugh when I found out it was a boy b/c it's just so fitting of a lifetime of being surrounded by Dad, Davey & Scott, to now as an adult being surrounded by Dad, Davey, Scott, Nick, Grady & baby boy...too funny! Needless to say, our house is going to be full of life! Nick is still working & traveling, which neither one of us enjoys, but we know how lucky we are that he has a solid career, which is alot considering the economy...I'm still doing the TV thing, but we're leaning toward me staying home after #2 comes along...I like my job, but I often find myself dreading the first day back to work after being home with my family, and counting the minutes till I get to go home & see them again....I have a running Word document going whenever something happens that I miss at home (such as missing a 4th of July parade, church, weddings, etc. b/c I'm at work), or when work gets on my last nerve (another day of hearing about murders, animal abuse, abductions, etc), I write down what I missed or what happened, so someday if I ever regret quitting, I can read all the things that will remind me how much I shouldn't miss it at all...
I will stop here for now, but am commiting to the world of blogging again, and hope you will keep checking in on us Hague's!!