I have weeks when I'm super motivated to get ready for our bundle of joy's arrival, and I cannot stop thinking about & doing everything that needs to be done before the little guy comes, and then there are weeks when life steps in and there's too much to do than to sit & contemplate which looks better, baby blue lampshape with sailboats, or navy blue lampshade with sailboats?...I'd been having a few weeks of being too busy (birthday parties, visits to other friends who've had babies, church, Sunday School, work, staff meetings, etc.) to be focused too much on baby Hague until this past week when Lauren (sis-in-law) was ready to start planning the baby shower, which started with the invitations...
Lauren had the idea to make the invitations, which was very creative, yet VERY time consuming, so we enlisted the help of my pals Tami, Lynn & Amanda...It's a funny thing with these girls because I have known them forever...literally, forever... It seems like last week I was playing Barbies with Tami, sledding with Lynn, walking to school with Amanda, and Lauren was Nick's VERY loud little sister...things have changed....Lynn now has baby Emerson, Amanda has baby Ella (my boy is going to have his pick of the litter with all these girls!), and we have officially scared Tami out of ever wanting kids (okay, so some things don't change!)...So we sat around making invitations for my baby shower, and Lynn & Amanda are telling me ALL that goes on behind those delivery room doors (which is why Tami & Lauren are now scared)....It's a good thing I'm already pregnant, because I may have re-thought some things knowing what I know now too! All worth it, right?
I must say it will probably always seem weird to see my little gal pals as grown ladies, but I welcome the weirdness...these girls never cared what I looked like, how much I had, or what I had to offer (and the same goes for me as far as they are concerned)...And we all have better hairdo's now...You can't ask for much more!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I've Created A Blog....So Here Goes...

I work in an industry where the latest technology is a passion for most of my co-workers...then there's me, who really just wanted to get paid to watch television (don't be mad because you didn't think of it!), so I'm pretty much the last person to get into the blogging trend around the station. I thought if I was ever going to do it now would be the time, as I've been getting more & more questions about baby boy Hague (all is well!), requests for pictures of my growing belly (this picture taken at Aunt Vikki's is for you Aunt Gretchen...), and there seems to be so much I want to tell everyone & never enough time to make the phone call...So I hope to be very good about keeping this blog new & fresh with goings-on & pictures...
I will be honest though...I also love to talk about celebrities, TV (I cannont wait for the 'Lost' premiere tomorrow night!), and all that completely mindless stuff, so my blog will probably consist of that every once in awhile too...but we all have our things! I will also warn you in advance that if you are a family member, or friend, you are subject to likely ending up in a post, so if you've ever considered disowning me as family, or dropping me as a friend, now would be the time...
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